I am 5 ft 2. For the most part, being vertically challenged has served me well. I’ve never hit my head on a door frame, I save money by shopping in the children’s section of fancy stores, and I’ve gotten out of riding roller coasters a few times because I’ve fooled people into thinking I don’t meet the height requirement. But being a pipsqueak has its drawbacks.
There’s a certain level of weirdness and creepiness you have to deal with when you’re petite. I often wonder if I fulfill people’s unmet desires to have a baby or a puppy because I have lost count the number of times random strangers have picked me up and twirled me around screeching, “Omigawd! You’re so little!” And the sad part is, only a fraction of these people was drunk when they did this. I would NEVER in a million years go up to a stranger and pick them up and twirl them around. I don’t even do that to someone’s baby or puppy without at least asking permission first.
Then there’s the cuteness aggression you encounter. Cuteness aggression is when a person sees something that is so adorable their brain can’t process all of the positive emotions and they get a sudden surge to squeeze it or punch it in the face. Most of the time, people don’t actually want to do this, but when you’ve never met someone before and they inform you that you’re so cute they want to punch your lights out, I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little alarming.
When you’re a small fry, you are in constant peril of being called cute. Now, cute might strike you as affectionate or endearing, but you are naive, my friend. Sure, it’s better than being called unappealing or horrifying, but not that much better. Cute is a very loaded word that us shrimps - particularly female shrimps - hear a lot.
When you’re called cute, you’re not taken seriously. Sure, I might be the same size as your pre-teen daughter, but I’m a grown ass woman and if I’m giving you a sales pitch, I want you to listen to it. I wonder how many small-framed doctors have come up with cures for cancer, but nobody listened to them because they were too busy gushing over how big their white coat looked on them.
It’s not uncommon for someone to meet me for the first time and tell me I’m cute within the first 10 minutes of a conversation. By calling me cute, you’re assuming that I’m sweet, cuddly, and good-natured. But how do you know I’m cute? Yes, I’m small, but you know who else is small? A troll. Maybe I’m an evil troll who’s taking a break from her bridge. You may think it’s adorable that I’m only as tall as your waist, but that also puts me in the perfect position to violently head butt your stomach if you piss me off.
So, the next time you meet a small-framed person, please resist the urge to cuddle with or ogle them like a 6-week-old Shar Pei. If your colleague is working on a big project, focus on their project and not that their feet don’t touch the floor when they sit in their chair. And for the love of God please understand none of us want to be picked up and tossed around by you. Ever.